View Orders

At the top navigation panel click on Orders to view the list of orders as follows

The list is displayed in a paginated table where you can scroll across the different pages of results.

It can be ordered by a specific column by clicking on that column. A second click/tap reverses the order. If the shift key is held at the same time, then the column is only sorted within the previous sort(s) to give a multi-column sort.

An order with an alert  set will always appear at the top of the list. To view the alert reason(s), open the order (click/tap) and then the Notes tab. Alerts can be set in the Notes tab and are viewable by all parties nominated for the order. Alerts are turned off by default when you open the Notes tab.

Click on any to view its details, View its Products, Confirm Supply, etc. The last order viewed or edited is displayed in blue within the table.

You can Add a New Order.

You can also Search and Filter Orders to display only the ones that match certain requirements.