Send a Billing Request to SpeEDI

If you are a Service Provider or Trader with access to a consignment, you can submit a billing request through to the SpeEDI accounting system.

  1. From the Consignment View screen click on the desired consignment to view its details.
  2. Once you are viewing a consignment, click on Billing tab and the following screen will be displayed showing any TSW charges where applicable.
  3. You can edit the following header data:
    • Change or enter the unique SpeEDI Client Code to be billed. This defaults to the clients TSW code if a declaration has been done for the consignment and will generally provide a match in SpeEDI with the client. Alternatively it can be set to the SpeEDI client code or omitted and entered in SpeEDI Sales.
    • Change the Client Name to be billed if not correct.
    • Change or enter the Order no/Reference
    • You can attach (at the time of submission) any applicable Declaration Certificate(s) to the request by checking Attach certificate. 
    • If there have been previous billing requests submitted for this consignment an information panel will advice the user to click on the View History button to check the previous requests

Click on the Submit button to transfer the billing request immediately to SpeEDI Sales or alternatively the Hold button to save the billing request. If you hold it, then you will be able to return and submit it later or have it submitted automatically by ticking the Submit when Import Declaration is cleared box.

NOTE: Archived documents and Declaration Certificates (as selected above) for the consignment will be automatically attached to the request and stored in the SpeEDI archive folders when the submitted request is processed in SpeEDI Sales.

The Cancel button will discard any changes made and remove the billing request if was previously on hold (draft).

You can View the Billing Request History by clicking on View History button.

You can Add or Modify the Billing Reference by clicking on Billing Reference button.