Products and their associated data may be added to an order by using the Paste facility rather than by keying the data.

The product data needs to be copied into the clipboard using the structure below to ensure that it is placed in the correct box.

Each row in the clipboard contains a separate product line data and if product codes are included then they will be validated with the order's buyer/seller product codes that have been loaded.

The row structure is:

Column    Definition

A              Product Code

B              Description

C              Items / Unit

D              Quantity

E              Unit Price

F              Total Value

G             Not used

H             Quantity Unit 

I              Other Measure Total

J              Other Measure Unit

K             Manufacture/origin Country

L             HS (Tariff)

M           Invoice Number

N            Not used

O            Weight Total (Gross)

P             Weight Unit

Q            Volume Total

R            Volume Unit

S            Package Quantity

T            Package Type 

U            Not used

V            Not used

W            Not used

X            Supply Date

Y           Not used

Z            Buyers Product Code (Ordered Product Code)

AA        Duty refund amount (applies to export duty drawbacks)

Columns may be empty. If all columns for a row are empty then the row is bypassed. 

Use the Auto-Add button to add the product lines to the order. If the order already has some product lines then the pasted product lines will follow on from the existing lines. 

Paste data in the relevant field, use the Preview button to validate the data, or alternatively use the Reset button to allow new data to be pasted.

Note that the Preview page only displays the first 6 columns as above.

Manufacture/origin Country

If provided must be two character UN code.  Use ISO 3166-1 codes available at 

HS (Tariff)

Can be either a 6 digit harmonised system code or a full tariff code.

Examples of valid formats:




Weight Unit

If not provided then the weight unit will be set to kgm (kilogram).

Valid unit codes are:

kgm - kilogram

tne - tonne (metric ton)

cgm - centigram

grm - gram

Volume Unit

If not provided then the volume unit will be set to mtq (cubic metre).

Valid unit codes are:

mtq - cubic metre

ltr - litre

mlt - millilitre

cmq - cubic centimetre


Package Quantity

If not provided then the package quantity will be set to the Quantity if provided and the package type assumed to be CT (carton).

Package Type

If not provided then the package type will be set to CT (carton).

A two character UN code is required for the package type.

A list can be found at (see UN EDIFACT Recommendation 21 Annex VI):

Examples are

CT - carton

PK - package

BG - bag

DR - drum

BX - box

Other Measurement Total

Can be provided where measurements are required other than the primary weight or volume measurements.

This may be necessary where measurements are required to meet statistical requirements.

Other Measurement Unit

cen - hundred

mil - thousand

lpa - litre of pure alcohol

kgs - kilograms of sugar

ktc - kilogram of pure tobacco

mtr - metre

mtk - square metre

lbr - pound

gll - gallon

nmb - number

nmp - number of packs

npr - number of pairs

nrl - number of rolls

ncl - number of cells

dzn - dozen

ltr - litre