The system has the ability to automatically determine classification information when this information has not been entered against a product line in the consignment.

This process happens at the time that a declaration is compiled and declaration lines are created from the product lines.

There are three potential sources for auto classification which are: a previous declaration, a product for a TSW Client or a generic code.

Auto Classification Sources

Previous Declaration

If a product code has been entered then the system will attempt to match a line from a previous declaration for the same supplier and use the classification details provided there.

In the case where a declaration is amended, the system will first attempt to use classification details from the previous version of the declaration.

The follow data items can be applied when these are not stated in the consignment product line:

  • Tariff Code
  • Manufacture/Origin country
  • Measures (when a unit value can be determined and the quantity is available)
    • Weight 
    • Volume
    • Other
  • Qualifiers provided that a product for a TSW Client or Generic Code has not been matched.

Product for the TSW Client

If a product for the TSW Client has been setup with a HS code, full tariff code or a manufacture/origin country then the system will apply these details when the product code has been entered into either the Product or Secondary Code fields of the consignment product line.

Generic Code

If a generic code has been setup with a HS code or full tariff code then the system will apply this when the generic code has been entered into the Secondary code field of the consignment product line.

Viewing the Auto Classification Source 

The declaration source(s) for a declaration line can be viewed from the Declaration Review screen by clicking on the i button

As shown below, the popup window can indicate none, one or multiple sources for auto classification.

If a previous declaration was a source, then the reference number for that declaration will be displayed and can optionally be copied into the clipboard.