The Auto-add feature allows commercial invoice information from a spreadsheet to be brought into the system using copy and paste.  

The option can be accessed by opening an the details for an existing product line and then selecting Auto-add.

Auto-add (step 1)

Clipboard prompt (first time only)

If using the option for the first time then you may be prompted by your web browser to allow text to be taken from the clipboard as shown below.  Select Allow here so that the system can automatically read from the clipboard.  If you select Block then a manual paste will be needed.

Note that this prompt may vary depending upon the browser that you are using.  Some web browsers may not support this feature, so a prompt will not appear.

Step 1

Clipboard Section

The clipboard section displays a snapshot of the text taken from the clipboard.  

When the screen is first opened the system will try to read from the clipboard and the contents will be displayed as shown below.

If the clipboard cannot be accessed then you will be prompted to manually paste into the text box.

To read new data from the clipboard, the Refresh or Reset options may be used.

Columns / Template Section

Columns from the spreadsheet need to be identified from left to right.  This can be done by manually selecting the correct data field for each column from the drop down list.   

If the spreadsheet has headings in the first row, then the Auto-match option can be used.  Here the system will try to use the headings to automatically identify data fields.

Once columns have been selected, these can optionally be saved as a template for later use.  The template name will initially be set to the sellers name but any name can be entered and later selected again.

The Reset option will clear out the columns allowing you to start the process afresh.

Preview Section

A preview of the first five lines will be displayed here.  This can be used to check that the right data has been pasted and that columns have been selected correctly.

Proceeding to the next step

The Next button should be available, provided that text has been pasted and columns have been selected.

There may be a prompt for Supplier.   This will appear for import consignments that have a registered or tracking party for the buyer.  This field relates to matching by the buyer's products.  If a supplier is entered then only products for that supplier will be matched.  Otherwise if left blank then the system will attempt to match by products regardless of the supplier.  

When Next is selected, the system will process the clipboard data and present the next screen.

Auto-add (Step 2)

If the previous step completed successfully then the screen below will display showing all of the product lines that will be added.  

If the system has matched by the buyer's or seller's product then the information displayed here will reflect that.  For instance, the tariff code or manufacture/origin country from the trader's product will display here.  If a match is found then the Product Code will be displayed in blue.   A product code displayed in orange indicates that a registered/tracking buyer or seller is present but a match could not be found by product code.

Similarly if a tariff keyword has been provided then the system will attempt to find a matching tariff and if found then data from the tariff will be displayed (such as the tariff code or description).

If there are Errors or Warnings then these will be displayed initially.  Errors cannot be ignored and the Previous button can be used to go back and fix up the data or columns before proceeding again.    

The Auto Add button will available provided that there are no Errors.  When this option is selected the new product lines will be added into the consignment and the list will be displayed.


  • If an invoice number is provided in the clipboard data then the system will apply this.  If not then the invoice number from the current line will be used and a warning will be displayed in step 2.   To apply a different invoice number, the Add option can be taken from the current product line and then the invoice number can be changed prior to selecting Auto-add.
  • The product lines will be added to the order associated with the current line (if any).  The order number will be displayed in the title of the Auto-Add screen.
  • If the currency code is omitted from the pasted data then a currency can later be selected for each invoice from Invoices tab.
  • If the weight or volume are omitted then these will be set to zero unless they can be determined from a matched buyer or seller product. 
  • For New Zealand users: 
    • The Secondary Code field can be used to set a duty concession code.   The Secondary Code can also be used to reference a generic code that has qualifiers such as a concession code, other info or prohibited codes.
    • The 'Other' measurement and unit can be used to set statistical quantities other than weight or volume.