If a declaration is being cancelled with the intention of replacing it with a new declaration then it is common for TSW to require the reference number of the replacement declaration to be given on the cancellation.  We have introduced a hold cancellation functionality to accomodate this requirement.

On declaration cancel the "Hold Cancellation" will now be set by default.

This tells the system to hold off performing the cancel at this stage but allow a replacement declaration to be created.

Proceeding here will set the declaration to a status of "Holding Cancellation"

Note: A simple (one step) cancellation can still be performed by unticking the Hold Cancellation option and filling in the other data fields.

Once the replacement declaration has been lodged then the cancellation of the previous declaration can be completed by once again selecting Cancel Declaration for the declaration version to be cancelled.  This time the Hold Cancellation option is unticked and the reason text contains the reference numbers for the replacement declaration.  Proceeding will have the system send the cancellation request to TSW