Send a Declaration to TSW

This section is only available if you have a Customs Broker role for the consignment. There are two steps to send a declaration to TSW:

  1. Compile the declaration and
  2. Review/Sign off the declaration

and additionally, you can Amend a Declaration.

Compile the Declaration

  1. Click on the consignment to declare to view its details

  2. Go to the Declarations tab. The following screen will be displayed as an example of new Import declaration
  3. The seller (Exporter) needs to be identified by his TSW supplier code for all declaration types (except Low value in which case he is identified by his name if no code is selected). Click/tap on the Select button to see a list of matching TSW client names in the seller's county. If the supplier is not in the list you can Add a TSW Client so that it becomes available to be selected from the list
  4. The Importer needs to be identified by his TSW buyer code for all import declaration types except Low value. The importer does not require a TSW importer code for any export declaration type . Click/tap on the Select button to see a list of matching TSW client names in the buyer’s county. If the importer is not in the list you can Add a TSW Client so that it becomes available to be selected from the list.
    Note that if the buyer is registered in SpeEDI Accord and selected on the order(s) (as in this example) then his client details will be selected by default.
  5. The Line Values status of the invoiced value(s) for all product lines with respect to freight and insurance is required.
    Note that all product values must be consistent with this selection – if some invoices differ then the line values need to be adjusted, or discounted, accordingly on those invoices so as to have all product values with the same freight/insurance status.

  6. The declaration Type must be selected from the dropdown. The options list will vary depending on a number of factors, eg TSW country, import or export declaration, declaration status, etc.
    Note that some types require additional data as displayed.

  7. The Nature of the import or export is required. The dropdown list is TSW country specific.
  8. The Relationship of the importer to the supplier(s) is required. The default setting of Parties unrelated must be changed to one of the other list options if there is a relationship between the importer and any of the suppliers.
  9. In order to calculate values for duty (VFD) and tax (VFT), cost amounts for freight, insurance and other are required to be entered if applicable.
    FOB adjustment: this amount is required if the product values are not FOB values and is the full amount for the consignment and may be an accumulation of multiple costs EXCLUDING freight and insurance costs. It may be a negative amount, eg the delivery cost where product values are inclusive of this cost. For EXW terms it will typically be a positive amount equating to the sum of all of the ex-works costs for the consignment.

  10. Freight, insurance and FOB adjustment costs may be apportioned across all product lines by any one of 4 methods: invoiced value, quantity, weight or volume. The norm is by value and this is the default if no method is specified. Note that where a product line has a zero value, quantity, weight or volume then there will be no cost allocation to that line if the method used is value, quantity, weight or volume respectively.
  11. Click on OK button to validate all relevant data for the declaration. If the validation successful compiling it will display a review window with the next step Review/Sign off the declarationIf there was any error, it will display what fields need attention and after fixing the issues retry by amending the declaration

Review/Sign off the declaration

  1. Review the summary lines. 
  2. This summary list shows product lines for the declaration, the calculated line values for Value for Duty (VFD), Value for Tax (VFT), Duty, Tax and product/qualifier/history matches.
  3. Enable the Only display lines with errors to show only declaration lines that contain errors.
    This will be set automatically after compiling if any line errors are detected. Click on the log to see the error description.
  4.  If there are errors, they will need to be fixed before re-compiling the declaration again.  

    • For declarations with many lines a filter Search option is available to only display lines having data that matches the search criteria.
    • To view the declaration certificates or modify the certificate format click on the Certificates button
    • Click on the Log button to view the logs for this declaration
    • For the latest version of the declaration, the Documents button allows for documents to be selected from those previously added to the Documents tab and included in the declaration provided its status is 'Awaiting sign-off'. For previous versions of the declaration, this option will display those documents included in that declaration version.
  5.  If there are no errors or if the errors have been amended, then the Sign-off button will be enabled as shown below. Click on it. 
  6. Sign-off declaration screen will pop up, which summarises the declaration header details, shows the total amounts for the declaration and collects the remaining mandatory and supplementary data as required by TSW.
    • The preferred Payment method for taxes and fees can be selected. For a newly created declaration, this will initially be set from importer's or exporter's payment method but can be modified at this stage also.
    • If this is an amendment of an existing declaration please enter the Amendment reason/comment
    • The Bio-security declaration section may vary depending on Declaration type and TSW country. Where a Biosecurity statement (of declaration) is required, eg full container cleanliness, the relevant questions/prompts will be displayed and must be answered.
    • If a declaration is to be directed to a manual processing queue within TSW, then enter the reason for this in the Request manual processing field. Typically this box is empty thus requesting automatic TSW processing of the declaration.
    • The Additional information relevant to the declaration may be entered from this button. Some additional information lines may be automatically included when the declaration is compiled and normally these will be relevant and correct, however they may be modified or deleted if necessary. The number of additional information lines is shown on the button. All possible additional information codes are shown in the dropdown list and the list will vary depending on the Declaration type and TSW country. 
    • Additionally you can enable the Alert via email when cleared and the Alert for all status updates
    • The declarant must enter their PIN to sign-off the declaration and if the Declarant code displayed is empty or not yours then you must enter your Declarant code.
      The declarant code entered is remembered for the current user login and will automatically display on subsequent sign-offs.

  7. Clicking on OK will transmit the declaration to TSW and the declaration status will show as Signed-off for a short time and then (on Refresh) will show either Rejected or Awaiting clearance.
    If the status is Rejected then refer to the TSW Log by clicking on Log button on the declaration window to see the reason for rejection

Amend a Declaration

Follow these steps when there are errors at the Review/Sign off the declaration step and you need to recompile the declaration after fixing them, or when you need to amend a declaration.

  1. Click on the Amend button at the Declaration tab screen.
  2. A window like the following, with or without errors, will be displayed. 
  3. Follow the same steps as in Review/Sign off the declaration

When amending an existing declaration

Only the latest version may be amended/edited/compiled for lodgment to TSW.

Note that if an import declaration has been accepted by TSW then the Edit button and some data in other tabs, eg Shipment, Packages, etc is locked and can only be unlocked by clicking/tapping the Amend button.

Editing rules and considerations are very similar to those for a new declaration (refer to example above). Note that the Edit button will create new versions automatically based on the status of the current version including Cancelled and Awaiting Cancellation status.

A declaration may be cancelled provided it has a Sent timestamp by clicking on the Cancel Declaration button