View a Tariff Summary

This facility is available to service providers and allows country-specific tariff classifications to be preloaded with your own description and optional keyword

These are selectable on product lines within a consignment and typically used where product codes are not applicable or have not been fully tariff-classified.

  1. At the top navigation panel click on Settings menu, select the Tariff Summary option under Classifications section.  and your list of tariff codes will be displayed.

The table can be sorted by a specific column and the results filtered based on a search criteria.

You can also Add Tariffs to this list.

Deleting Tariffs

Tariffs can be deleted by selecting a row by clicking the checkbox in the first column of the table and then selecting the Delete option.

Administrator users also have the ability to select multiple rows to delete records in bulk.

Tip: Rows may also be selected by holding Shift or Ctrl keys while clicking anywhere on the row.