It is possible to setup alerts against products that will display against the declaration line to warn you and provide instruction that further action may be required before signing off the declaration.

An example of where you might use alerts is when there are permit requirements for a product and documents need to be attached to the declaration.

Declaration alerts also have the ability to automatically attach a product certificate document to the declaration where this is needed.


  1. Ensure you have first created a classified product under Settings.  For further details, see How To: Add Classified Products and Qualifiers for a TSW Client 
  2. Under the details for the product, use the Qualifier Add option to create a qualifier with type DAL, DAO or DAA.  

    DAL alerts will always display.
    DAO alerts will only display when the declaration version is Original.
    DAA alerts will only display for declaration amendments.

    Code, Reference Number and Details fields are optional.

    A Code can be entered to indicate the permit authority or department code.

    A Reference Number can be entered to have the system automatically attach a product certificate document to the declaration. The value entered here should exactly match the name of a product certificate PDF document that you have added into 'Letterheads / Images' under Settings.

    Details may be entered to provide further instructions when completing the declaration.

Alerts Display

If an alert is found for a product then the Qualifiers for the declaration line will indicate this by displaying the button in orange with the alert symbol.

The count of alerts found for the declaration is also displayed in the table footer.

To see the alert details, you would click on the qualifiers button.